There are so many beautiful cars, so making a list of just 10 was a difficult task. Think of all those stunning automobiles: Ferrari, Jaguar, Chevrolet, Bugatti, Aston Martin, to name just a few. After a lot of research, I settled on these ten four-wheel beauties. Take a look, and let me know if you […]
Top 10 Fun City Rides – Recreational Transport
According to a national study in the US, drivers lose on average 5 days per year in traffic. Now how crazy is that? If you live in a big city then you know what it means to be stuck in a traffic jam, waiting for the line to move, wishing you were somewhere else. If […]
Top 10 Extraordinary Personal Vehicles
Surprise yourself! Take a look at the top 10 unusual and innovative personal transportation concepts available for the commercial use today. Most of these are aimed for recreational use, although some have found their use and application in various industries. Once concept vehicles, these are now all available for a price. The only question is, […]
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