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Best iPhone Apps for Communication

This entry is part [part not set] of 2 in the series iPhone Apps

Staying in touch with the loved ones was never as easy as it is now in the era of iphone and android phones. This is due to many useful apps that can not just enhance the way we communicate with others, but also provide great aid to those who are visually and/or hearing impaired.

After extensive research, I’ve compiled a short list of the essential Top 5 iPhone Apps for Communication. If you know of an app that is better and should be on this list, please do provide any additional feedback.  I’d like to know about it!

  1. Skype

    Of course, Skype is the first that comes to mind, and justly so, being the pioneer in mobile communication. Skype lets you make free calls and video calls to other Skype users. With a  premium account, you can enjoy free video conferencing and cheap rates for  international calls and landlines.


  2. Voicy

    Voicy is great app that lets you send voice messages from your iphone. It serves as an email system but intead of typing messages, you speak them. Your loved ones will love hearing your voice (especially when you’re not there), and your boss will love the uplift in productivity too. Not to mention, Voicy is a perfect solution for blind and visually impaired.  Voicy is a new app, just launched in iTunes store, and for a limited time, you can download it for free.

  3. Viber

    Viber  lets you use your iPhone to make free calls and send free text and photo messages to other Viber users, on any device, network and country! With Viber, your contacts on your device are also your Viber contacts, because Viber automatically detects your contacts who already have Viber. All you need to do is click on a name and start talking. No invites. No hassle.

    ’s user-friendly interface lets you easily perform calls and send messages. You will also be able to change your profile pic, see which of your phone contacts already has Viber and who else has just joined.

  4. WhatsApp

    WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform mobile messaging app which allows you to exchange messages without having to pay for SMS. WhatsApp Messenger is available for iPhone, BlackBerry, Android, Windows Phone and Nokia and yes, those phones can all message each other! Because WhatsApp Messenger uses the same internet data plan that you use for email and web browsing, there is no cost to message and stay in touch with your friends.

    In addition to basic messaging WhatsApp users can create groups, send each other unlimited images, video and audio media messages.


  5. Dragon Dictation

    Dragon Dictation is a handy and free app, powered by Dragon Naturally Speaking, courtesy of Nuance Mobile technologies. In short, Dragon Dictation turns spoken speech into text. There are several advantages for using this app, first, if you’re having a hard time understanding what your friend is saying, they can say it again using this app and bingo, you know exactly what they said. Secondly, if you’re hard of hearing, you can use it to practice your speech.

About Dubie Bacino

Always on the lookout for new, original and innovative, Dubie loves spotting upcoming trends in cyber culture, discovering useful tools and innovative start-ups and inventions. To the Google+ crowd, she is known as the curator of stunning photography.


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