Most of the people who still rent out movies from video clubs are not aware that they can easily watch them online, for free. That’s right, with a good internet connection, you can watch all the latest movies, from the comfort of your home. If you are an internet newbie, you may find it’s easy […]
Top Ten Specialized Search Engines – Useful & Innovative
Top 10 Specialized Search Engines, with features and functionality that Google lacks when it comes to specialized searches.
Top Ten Virtual Travel Destinations
The most famous world buildings, exotic, mysterious and enchanting places were, until just a few years ago, travel destinations accessible only to a privileged few who were able to travel. The Internet has changed that and brought the whole world to our doorstep, much more so than TV ever had. TV allows an educational and […]
Top Rated Electronic Cigarettes
If you are like me, truly passionate about smoking, then you are bound to feel like a second rate citizen whose personal freedom has been evaded. I am not talking about social smokers, but real aficionados who like to have their nicotine fix at regular intervals, preferably not more than an hour apart. Those of […]
Top 10 Digital Art Time Wasters
Listed here are the top ten interactive websites that are bound to suck you in with their addictive content. They are unique examples of contemporary internet art based on user interaction, and distinct from games in that there is no goal or win conditioning. One could contextually refer to them as “time-wasters”, but that would […]
Top 10 Websites to Express Your Creativity
If you are ever in need of inspiration, looking for fun, creative things to do, here are the top 10 websites to get your creative juices flowing.
Top Ten Visual Illusions on Internet
An optical illusion is characterized by visually perceived images that differ from objective reality. Here are 10 top illusions you can see online. Have fun!
Top 10 Children’s Books Every Adult Should Read
It’s been said that all truths are utterly simple. In that sense, each one of these books contains an essential truth within it. The message, wise and simple, seems to be best conveyed in children’s language, yet with such profound depth that makes one wonder if these books may have acutally been written for adults.
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