Have you ever wanted to make your own social network? It is probably much easier than you think. All you need to know is where to look. Whether you want to start a dating site or a collaboration community, chances are that the tools you need are already out there. Why pay a lot of […]
How To Make Your Own Social Network
How to Marry Rich – Top 10 Wealthy Dating Services

Great news for all you young, bold and beautiful women and men! If you have an appreciation for the finer things in life but cannot afford them yet, now you can easily find a sugar daddy, or a sugar momma, someone rich and loving who will be more than happy to lavish you with gifts […]
Top 11 Extremely Bizarre Dating Sites

There are so many specialized dating web sites that some of them border on bizarre. For this list, I’ve selected only the ones that are outright weird, no pun intended. If you don’t agree, or want to suggest some other sites, free to post your opinion in the comments. Asexualitic This internet dating service is […]
Top 10 Fun Innovative Dating Sites

Internet has moved into our offices, homes, hearts… So naturally, the dating websites are sprouting online, like mushrooms after the rain. There are so many of them out there, from expensive ones claiming to have a proven formula based on scientific research of complementing personality traits, to those utterly bizarre in every way. The dating […]
Top 10 E-commerce Solutions

Whether you are looking to set up an internet shop, or take an existing business online, you’ll be surprised to find how many e-commerce solutions there are to choose from. Most of them offer standard shopping cart features, plus additional marketing tools and administration panel to help you keep track of products, orders, customers, shipping, […]
Top 10 Bizarre Online Communities

Not much introduction is needed here, the title says it all. Here are the most bizarre online communities the Internet has to offer. Please let me know in the comments if there are any other ones out there I might have missed. Thanks. My Free Implants This is a network for all you girls and […]
10 Original Communities You Might Want to Join

In today’s world of flourishing internet culture, social networking websites are springing daily, like mushrooms after the rain. There is a large variety and selection of online communities created to fit the needs, affinities and interests of its members, so selecting top 10 websites with an original and unique approach was a tough call.
10 Online Communities That Will Save You Time and Money

The sole purpose of most online communities which are based on social networking model is to be of use to its members. Even so, a large number of them escapes this reasoning. There are useful networks, and then there are useful networks.
Well! Here comes our Top 10 List of the most useful communities on the net today.
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