Great news for all you young, bold and beautiful women and men! If you have an appreciation for the finer things in life but cannot afford them yet, now you can easily find a sugar daddy, or a sugar momma, someone rich and loving who will be more than happy to lavish you with gifts […]
Archives for November 2010
How to Marry Rich – Top 10 Wealthy Dating Services
Filed Under: dating, social networks, money Tagged With: social networks, beautiful, dating, sugar daddy, wealthy dating, rich
Top 11 Extremely Bizarre Dating Sites

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series Online Dating
There are so many specialized dating web sites that some of them border on bizarre. For this list, I’ve selected only the ones that are outright weird, no pun intended. If you don’t agree, or want to suggest some other sites, free to post your opinion in the comments. Asexualitic This internet dating service is […]
Filed Under: dating, people, weird, social networks, bizarre, fun Tagged With: bizarre, dating, online communities, bizarre dating
Top 10 Fun Innovative Dating Sites

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series Online Dating
Internet has moved into our offices, homes, hearts… So naturally, the dating websites are sprouting online, like mushrooms after the rain. There are so many of them out there, from expensive ones claiming to have a proven formula based on scientific research of complementing personality traits, to those utterly bizarre in every way. The dating […]
Filed Under: dating, lifestyle, social networks Tagged With: fun, dating, innovative, online communities, love
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